What was I going to do about protein this time to make sure what happened before didn't happen again? Yes, this was my question, too. The protein factor is why I continued to eat fish for years, rationalizing that a fish can't really feel pain or suffering the same way a cow does. Also, I was taken on a fishing trip when I was younger, and I watched my mother behead a wriggling fish on a table before barbecuing it. I'll admit, as a child, I was very frightened by how quickly life could be taken, and how red the fish's blood was, and how it just seemed to gush out like a river once the head was removed. Anyway, graphic and beside the point.
Another factor in my continued consumption of fish is a cultural one. I come from a Russian family which, while surprisingly liberal compared with other immigrant families, still has certain cultural traditions and habits in the kitchen. My grandfather eats meat with every meal, and my mother likes eating chicken legs because of the bones and marrow contained therein. Russians put meat in almost everything from pirozhki (stuffed rolls) to stroganoff (duh) to potato salad to sala (basically salted lard; the unofficial national food of Ukraine) to soups. Everything has meat, and it's considered very unhealthy to forsake red meat.
The way my mom describes it, there are certain cells available in red meat that are good for your body that you can't replace by eating beans or tofu or lentils or quinoa. I completely dismiss this argument because I think the science that backs up her ideas is either outdated or completely based in some kind of Soviet post-poverty propaganda that has to do with the inversely proportional relationship between high-calorie diets and freezing to death, and if there's one thing you CAN find in meat, it's a lot of calories. Also, something about me having type O blood and therefore needing lots of meat because that's closest to what the cavemen ate. Forget that the blood type diet has been completely debunked as utter hogwash and cavemen ate more raw grains and fruits and nuts than meat because a caribou is freaking difficult to chase down on only two legs.
Suffice to say that I didn't take my mother's advice on dietary matters but made up my mind to keep eating fish and cephalopods to avoid arguments and okay, they're pretty darn tasty. Seriously, I love some calamari and squid and delicious rubbery things and sushi and lobster (even though it's not kosher and breaks the hearts of my grandparents a little every day) and the taste of spicy tuna. Can't get enough of them. I thought that a land-animal-free diet was good enough, ate mostly tofu and seitan or yogurts as protein, and often indulged in fish.
More recently, I saw a video one of my friends had linked on the facebook to a speech by a very persuasive vegan activist. His name is Gary Yourofsky, and reader, if you haven't seen his video yet, you really should. In fact, I'll imbed it below, at the very bottom of the page. If you want to watch it immediately, go ahead. I'll still be here when you get back.
After watching the video, I did a little research, and decided to go full-on veg. My reasons for this are pretty much outlined in the video, but here's a quick (SUPER condensed!) recap if you didn't feel like watching through the whole thing.
1. I completely and utterly oppose factory farming. Even if humans were intended biologically to eat meat, and even if you support the Biblical idea that God created animals to be used by man, there's no need for senseless cruelty, and that's all that happens in factory farms. If you're not convinced of this, do some research or go to PETA's website. While I agree that each factory farm is different, a chicken's life is already over when it's transported there, and the workers don't care much if they tear a wing or two out when grabbing chickens to be placed in the assembly line. Industrial milking is disgusting, and have you ever seen a cow that's been injected with Bovine Growth Hormone? Plus, milk contains a large amount of pus, and it's weird to drink the lactation that comes from another animal's teat.
- Parenthetically (and this will sound a bit crazy for people who don't know me, but indulge the insanity for a moment) I strongly believe that IF there are aliens waiting to make contact with human beings, they won't come near us with a ten-billion-lightyear-pole (completely official and scientific figure, I swear) provided they see the way we treat other animals. If we can't live peacefully as a community regardless of species on our own home planet, how the hell can we expect to live peacefully with some Interstellar Beings we have no ties with? Like I said, simply a parenthetical point.
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A cow that's been injected with rBGH. |
2. Personally, unless it were a dire emergency, I doubt I'd ever be able to kill a large animal. I mean, I get squeamish about spiders and bees, and always release them rather than squashing if I have any control over the matter. I just don't condone violence towards animals. Seriously. Children are like this too when they're first born, and only become accustomed to the idea of eating meat and killing animals because of cultural indoctrination, very much like my reluctance to part with the training wheels on my attempted vegetarianism because I was SO indoctrinated into the cultural aspect of meat-eating.
3. It's unfair to select certain animals we like (cats, dogs, parakeets) and certain animals we don't (cows, pigs, sheep, salmon, etc.) and systematically destroy one group while punishing those who would hurt the other.
4. Producing meat on the scale we produce is unsustainable and, ultimately, simply bad for the environment, not to mention expensive and a poor allocation of our resources as a planet. I'm sure you've heard the statistic about 500 gram of meat versus 500 tons of grain, but this argument never seems to convince anyone. I included it anyway because it's a contributing factor.
5. Humans were not biologically designed to eat large quantities of meat. Truly, the human body wasn't designed to eat any meat. Our jaws are designed for grinding and chewing, and while canines can be found in any number of herbivorous animals (most obviously, primates), the ability to move one's jaw side to side, as necessitated by eating vegetables, fruits, and grains, is found only in herbivorous animals. We also can find all the necessary nutrients in cruelty-free products and in fact eating meat contributes to hypertension, clogged arteries, heart disease, and cancer.(http://michaelbluejay.com/veg/natural.html for information about the human body and herbivorous animals, http://www.webmd.com/heart-disease/risk-factors-heart-disease for information about lowering heart disease. Right underneath smoking? Reduction of bad cholesterol, which is found in fatty foods like meat)
6. Non-meat or -dairy based products simply TASTE better. I'm serious. They do.
This is a round-about way of getting to my actual point, which is one part of my initial inspiration for creating this post. I watched the Yourofsky video with my boyfriend, who enjoys a steak every once in a while. I'm not the type of person to shove my ideals down someone's throat, but I was bored and wanted someone to watch the video with me.
Gary advocates a full-on vegan lifestyle for all people for the non-personal reasons I stated above. I know a lot of them are personal, but a fair-minded reader could easily read between the lines. Anyway, as a result, I decided to cut back on my consumption of dairy products and completely remove meat. We started buying dairy alternatives for milk.
I won't lie, a big contributing factor to buying the non-dairy milk is cost. When you start comparing side-to-side, you'll find that an average gallon of milk costs waaay more than the same amount in soy or almond milk, but that's another digression.
So David and I went out and bought our first carton of almond milk. It was cheaper than soy, and I'd never tried the store-bought kind. When we got home, we each tried half a glass and I think at that moment, David was hooked. It's hard to describe the taste of almond milk to someone who's never tried it, but the vanilla kind tastes exactly how you'd expect a melted marshmallow to taste. The milk is creamy, delicious, and refreshing. Personally, I prefer the taste of plain soy, but that's definitely something you have to acquire. Both alternatives have the same amount of calcium as cow's milk (or more!) and neither almond nor soy leaves you with the phlegmy feeling in the back of your throat that is the hallmark of cow's milk.
The other morning, David let me know he was out of almond milk and mentioned off-hand that he didn't think he'd ever go back. I started going off on how much better I felt about not drinking cow's milk and how great it was for the environment to have our household abstaining from dairy when he interrupted me before I could start waxing poetic about the joys of liberation from the cow's teat. What he said completely floored me, because it characterized the dearest hope of almost every vegan on the planet.
"Yeah, that's nice, but I don't care about any of that stuff," he said, dismissing all my elaborate, iron-clad chains of logic and appeals to higher reasoning. "I just care about the taste."
And there you have it.
Part two of this epicly-long rant will have to wait until a more fortuitous time. For now, enjoy the video below!