I haven't seen the bf in a few days, which upsets me slightly. I know that we saw one another six days in a row last week and were somehow not sick of one another, and one shouldn't push it when things are going well, but I still miss him and it makes me very sad to know that I can't reach over and hold his hand whenever the fancy strikes me. However, his presence elsewhere has allowed me to get some things done, so that's a positive. I've officially completed three loads of laundry, accepted a business proposition, bought a bicycle (yay!!!!!), and fixed my phone. All these things are important, and difficult to do when you have an affectionate distraction attached to your hip. We have talked daily, sometimes multiple times, which is a vast improvement over the former state of things. We'd dated briefly before I left for Europe, and the main issue I had with everything was the fact that we didn't communicate. At all. That's the problem with having friends in common, I suppose: that you end up complaining to all the same people, and news travels quickly between friends, and you secretly begin to resent each other for reasons that you can't mention because of the giant elephant in the room. It's not like that any more. In fact, I'm excited and very frightened by how severely non-luke-warm my feelings as they relate to him are at the moment.
Wanna see my cool bicycle?
It's super awesome!
All it needs is some streamers from the handlebars... |
At the park today, Lacey and Gregory and I played with bubbles and the fountains and spied on unbelievably immature Middle-Early High Schoolers, who decided that the children's park was a great place in which to curse like sailors and take off tops to reveal brightly-colored sports bras and take pictures for Myspace. It was annoying, but got me to thinking about what an awkward age that is. Right after puberty for the girls, and right
Sidenote: Watch Grey Gardens, Workaholics.
It's really difficult to find time to blog between life things. I spent some more time in Greeley since typing most of this post, and am planning a strange change to my entire life. We'll see how well it goes, but based on what I know of the Law of Attraction, I'm sure it'll be perfect. Things will work out the way I want them to, because I know that they need to.
Speaking of things working out the way I want them to: I received e-mails from the people I interviewed with a few weeks ago asking for second interviews. I'm extremely excited, because that's exactly what I wanted: a decently-paying job that doesn't involve an over-abundance of effort on my part. Hopefully, they'll let me work from home, and I'll be able to do work even in Greeley and bypass a few potential issues.
I feel a little crazy, since my life is more or less revolving around my relationship. It's difficult to think about anything else with any degree of excitement, and that's frightening. But things work out the way they need to, and I believe that.
This title isn't particularly appropriate any more, but I was looking for a lasagna recipe to prepare while watching The Godfather. David and I ended up watching it yesterday, but without any Italian food. We'll have to have a marathon with excellent Italian recipes one day.
I also met his mother, her father, boyfriend, and other son the day before yesterday. It went as well as it could've gone, all things considered. I made bread in a shameless attempt to impress them with my homemaking skills (totally worked!) and played lots of Rummy and Durak. Saw some baby pictures, and had a discussion or two about pure-hearted philanthropy and factory farming. On the way back, it rained, and I realized that Greeley can actually be a pretty beautiful place. Also, it's close to Danielle, who ate the sandwich. She lives in Loveland. Not that I'm stalking her or anything. I'm not stalking her, but if we happen to meet in the same coffee shop, and strike up a conversation, and happen to become BFFs, I wouldn't object too terribly.
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