Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Praha Wanderings

Today was our first day in Prague.  I'm slightly drunk at the moment, which numbs the strange homesickness I feel for Amsterdam, so this may or may not make any sense whatsoever.  Either way, it'll be an entertaining post, so here goes.

Gill and I made it to Prague from Amsterdam an entire hour or so early.  Our hotel wasn't particularly easy to find, considering the fact that there were signs everywhere pointing in its direction, but it was simple enough, and I'm glad we found it in time.
Gill and I on the train from Frankfurt to Dusseldorf, excited to be there.
We made it to our hostel, which isn't actually the CENTER of Prague, per se, but close enough for the hostel to list it as a "central" location.  Liars, but whatevs.  We're happy with the free wifi, and the more or less empty rooms.  Not empty at all, actually, but there are sheets, and I don't have to share a bed, so it's nice.

A beautiful view of our side of the pedestrian bridge from the city center, and the most well-trained white German Shepherd I've ever seen
The hostel was meant to be in the center of the city.  I knew it was probably too good to be true, but what can you do?  Our place of residence was effing far, especially with large backpacks strapped to us, though the surrounding area was pretty.  We're actually in the relatively-ghetto side of town, and it's hard to find places to do things, but it's okay considering the price of the hostel. 

I was excited about things being cheaper here.  Apparently, the Czech Krown is about fifteen to one, compared to the Dollar.  Finally, a favorable exchange rate!  Unfortunately, this city smells like a stale ashtray someone forgot to toss out with the rest of the garbage.

Our room is shared with two other American guys, who are here for Spring Break, and are generally douchey as far as the things they're here for.  Also, some male of unspecified nationality sleeps here, along with a man from Montreal (whose country is so Francophilian that we worry for his self-identity) and a new guy whose nationality is unspecified, though he speaks some English.  Hostels aren't nearly as nice as surfing couches, but the calibre of people whom you meet are much more outside of your comfort zone.  It's important to expose yourself to different people, right?

Today, we journeyed through Prague.  I took a metric shit-ton of pictures, though we didn't see the King Charles Bridge yet.  We walked through the town and found some post-cards, along with the Petron Hill, and climbed up that effer with very concentrated effort.  We also saw the church of the Waxen Baby Jesus, and explored for as long as we could stomach.  Gill's stomach was feeling slightly upset, so we were much more low-key than we could've been, but it was fun nonetheless.

Prague is smelly and dirty and very far from Amsterdam, with its Eastern mentality.  I can't understand any Czech, but I've been speaking in Russian to everyone, and they seem to understand me, so it's fairly easy to communicate.  As I mentioned, I am quite drunk at the moment, and very sad about leaving Amsterdam, so I'll go to sleep very soon.  Here are some pictures to tide you all over, though, since I can't be bothered to write anything worthwhile.  Good night!


  1. Sausage party at the hostel! Don't get raped, mkay?

  2. Stupid hostel. Today, the douchebags czeched (haha, get it?) out, so no more potential raping. ;D

  3. That was an impressive pun, ma'am, I tip my hat to you! XD
