Thursday, July 10, 2014

Greetings from Amsterdam: The plane/Day 1/Jetlagged and footsore already

 Since you last heard from me, I flew a combined ten hours (not so bad but the time change is killer) between Denver and Amsterdam. The flight was through United and went fairly well considering the connecting flight through Houston boarded just as we got to the gate. We barely had time to order juice before we had to board but it was pretty worthwhile since I managed to get the window on the long flight. Yay for leg room and sleeping space!

The drawback was the dinner options were Roast Beef and roast beef. Um, no thank you. So I ate the salad and a dry roll since they only had butter for it. Luckily, Casey and I had the forethought to pack a bunch of peanuts, so those were definitely dinner. I watched Anchorman for the first time, re-read Gathering the Tribes, wrote some poetry, and slept maybe two hours, bringing up my total amount of sleep for the last two days to 6 or 7 at most.

Clouds and first sight of land at landing

 Once in Amsterdam, we cleared customs very quickly as we had no carry-ons and nothing to declare. I highly recommend flying into Schectpol as it has little drama and kind people. I've never come off an international flight so easily and quickly before.

Shortly after landing, my stomach started hurting quite a lot but we had to get to our host's home quickly to make a good impression and also to shower. I amused myself by taking pictures of random things and when we got to the station, I realized my host years ago lived near the exact same station.

 We're staying with some Spanish people, at least one of whom was a student at the university near where we're staying. He's the only one I've met so far but he's very accommodating and let me make tea and showed us food they bought for us. Some rolls with raisins and different filling but they're so good I can't stop eating them. Kind of like Easter cake or something.

After we had breakfast, he showed us how to get to Central Amsterdam and cautioned us about only using the train versus the metro. They're a little hard to tell apart because they look identical and everything is in Dutch if there's any distinction in the words. They even come and go from the same platforms. Should've stuck with bikes.

Of course, we immediately messed up the train metro distinction and were stuck inside the metro station with no way to swipe ourselves out. Eventually, we talked to a man who looked like security, who told us he could fine us 70 euro for boarding the incorrect train. This time, however, he'd let it go and he let us into Amsterdam proper.

A word of caution to any potential Amsterdam travelers: always double- and triple-check that the train-like vehicle you're taking advantage of.

 Eventually, we got into the city and explored for a few hours. We found a grocery store and bought provisions and stroop waffles, which are the best ever. We've also identified a couple of coffee shops, what might be the red light district, and emergency hostels, all conveniently located on one street.

 The weather today is beautiful and the city is still decked out in orange because of the Netherlands soccer team in FIFA. I guess they haven't torn down to decorations yet because they just don't have the heart. It's different seeing Amsterdam as a pedestrian who had been here before, particularly on such a sad day for the country.

 I am so ridiculously jet-lagged. After so little sleep, it makes sense, but if I go to sleep now, I know I'll have trouble adjusting to the time difference. Wish me luck staying awake for another hour! I've fallen asleep at least twice over the course of this post already. :-)

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